Working With Bookmarks When Merging PDFs

Wed, May 8 2019, 10:25 AM (US Eastern Time)

When merging PDFs together using DynamicPDF Merger or Core Suite, all bookmarks (or outlines) will be added to the output PDF by default. They will appear in the order they are merged, with the first document's bookmarks coming first, followed by the next document's bookmarks. However, this is not always the desired behavior, so let's take a look at a couple of other options.

Adding a Bookmark For Each Document

Sometimes you may want to add a bookmark for each document, but remove any of the bookmarks that are in the original PDFs. Accomplishing this can easily be done by adding a bookmark for each document and setting the Outlines merge option to false:

MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument();
MergeOptions mergeOptions = MergeOptions.Append;
mergeOptions.Outlines = false;
document.Outlines.Add("Bookmark for PDF", new XYDestination(document.Pages.Count + 1, 0, 0));
document.Append(fileName, mergeOptions);

The full example file is available here.

Organizing Bookmarks For Each Document

Other times you may want to add a bookmark for each document and place the original document's bookmarks as children. This can quickly be done by creating a bookmark for each document and setting the RootOutline merge option property to that bookmark:

MergeDocument document = new MergeDocument();
MergeOptions mergeOptions = MergeOptions.Append;
Outline outline = document.Outlines.Add("Parent Bookmark for PDF",
    new XYDestination(document.Pages.Count + 1, 0, 0));
mergeOptions.RootOutline = outline;
document.Append(fileName, mergeOptions);

The full example file is available here.

Wrap Up

A C# Visual Studio project demonstrating this is available on GitHub:

There are of course many other options for how you may want to deal with bookmarks as well. If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear from you.

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Version 10 Release of Dynamic PDF for .NET Core Suite

by Anil S

Fri, August 3 2018, 2:32 PM (US Eastern Time)

We are happy to announce the release of DynamicPDF for .NET Core Suite v10 (this includes our Merger, Generator and ReportWriter products).

v10 now supports .NET Standard 2.0 for seamless cross-platform deployment.  

Download it Today!

Version 10 adds several useful and exciting new features:

  • Deployment to any .NET implementation including .NET Core, .NET Framework, Mono, UWP, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.
  • HTML layout engine for rapid PDF development using HTML and CSS
  • All new report layout engine (DLEX templates)
  • Take a look at a full list of All Version 10 Full Features

Free upgrades for Maintenance customers, discounted upgrades for eligible existing customers, eligible upgrades can be accessed via our Customer Area, or we can be contacted directly, or +1 410.772.8620.

Version 9 Release of Dynamic PDF for .NET Core Suite

Tue, December 12 2017, 2:43 PM (US Eastern Time)

DynamicPDF for .NET Core Suite v9 (this includes our Merger, Generator and ReportWriter products) has now been fully released.  Download it Today!

Version 9 adds tons of useful and exciting new features including:

  • HTML Rendering (convert HTML pages including CSS)
  • Disk Buffering (incremental PDF rendering decreases memory usage)
  • Character Shaping (for fonts of complex scripts)
  • Over 20 New Barcodes (Aztec, Code 11, Code 93, GS1 Databar, Australia Post, etc.)
  • Package PDFs
  • XFA Static Form Filling
  • Document, Page and Field Actions
  • Take a look at a full list of All Version 9 Full Features

What might be our best feature...Lower Prices across the board (all editions, all license models).

Free upgrades for Maintenance customers, discounted upgrades for eligible existing customers, eligible upgrades can be accessed via our Customer Area, or we can be contacted directly, or +1 410.772.8620.

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DynamicPDF for .NET Core Suite Version 9 BETA Release

Thu, April 27 2017, 2:16 PM (US Eastern Time)

The DynamicPDF Core Suite for .NET Version 9.0 BETA has just been posted to our site for download and testing.

DynamicPDF Core Suite for .NET v9 Beta Download

We have added some great new features in version 9 including support for PDF portfolios, an HTML Area, XFA static form filling, improved memory handling for large PDFs, several new barcode types (Code 93, Aztec, GS1 Databar, Australia Post, Singapore Post etc.) and more. Take a look at the full list of new features.

Email with any questions or issues and thanks for taking part in our Version 9 BETA.


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DynamicPDF for Java Version 8 Release

by Anil S

Fri, September 25 2015, 2:02 PM (US Eastern Time)

Our DynamicPDF for Java version 8 has now been fully released.  Download it Today!

This version 8 includes DynamicPDF Generator & Merger. The download includes the updated documentation and examples (Java source code, Servlets, JSPs).

Version 8 adds lots of new features including additional support for PDF/A-2, PDF/A-3, MSI (Modified Plessey) & RM4SCC (Royal Mail) barcodes, strikethrough text, duplicate image removal, individual form field flattening as well as overall efficiency improvements and stabilizations. Take a look at our Version 8 Full Feature List.

For existing customers, eligible upgrades (free with Maintenance, discounted with previous versions) can be accessed via our Customer Area, or anyone can contact us directly, or +1 410.772.8620.

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