Paragraph tag has no linespacing property

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DynamicPDF Merger for COM/ActiveX (v3) Forum


The company I work for recently purchased DynamicPDF merger for com/activex software at my recomendation. I have been using it to create a dynamic letter creation system to create corespondence to customers, until now it has met all needs except for the latest letter I have been asked to reproduce in PDF format.

This letter originaly has a double line spacing between lines in the paragraphs. The text that fills the paragraphs contains the customers names which can be small or large strings, pushing the rest of the paragraph´s text a diferente amount in every case, so creating a different paragraph per line will not be a solution.

When I avaliated this software I overlooked this aspect, to me now it fundamental for the continuing use of it. I dare say all this couldbe fixed with a «linespacing» property in the paragraph tag object. Could this be implemented? We are prepared to pay extra for this feature if needed be. There has been to much development done to have such a trivial thing set this project back to almost zero due to the need to get a diferent component working with it, not to mention the extra cost of the new component and the money wasted on this one.

I liked this component above all others that I tested. I would really like to keep on using it... can anything be done here?

I can be contacted on the email left with this post. Thanks for your time.

Ivo Valente
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator
Hello Ivo,

You can change the spacing between two lines without any problem. If you were referring to the spacing between each line within a FormattedTextArea, you can use the Leading attribute of the <Line> tag to control this spacing.

If you were referring to the spacing between each line within a TextArea, you can use the Leading property of TextArea to control this spacing.

ceTe Software Support Team
OK, thanks for your quick reply.

I had been playing arround with that property but had no results, it seems that if omit to give the LeadingType a value it has no effect.... Any way, the problem is solved.

Thanks for the support, keep up the good work.

Ivo Valente.

Can you explain futher how to use this line tag? Do you need one for each set of <p></p> or just one in the html formatted area?

Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

The leading set in the Line tag will be applicable to that particular Paragragh only. In order to set the leading to the entire text of the FormattedTextArea you will have to use the FormattedTextAreaStyle object. Following is the sample code for this.

    Set MyFormattedTextArea = MyPage.AddFormattedTextArea( MyFormattedText, 0, 0, 256, 400, DPDF_FontFamily_Helvetica, 12, False )
    MyFormattedTextArea.Style.Line.Leading = 12
    MyFormattedTextArea.Style.Line.LeadingType = DPDF_LineLeadingType_Exactly

And following is the syntaxt to use the Line tag.

    <Line Leading=14 LeadingType=exactly>

ceTe Software Support Team.

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