DynamicPDF by ceTe Software

Package com.cete.dynamicpdf.merger

Class Summary
AppendedPage Represents an appended page.
Attachment This class should be used when you want to get the attachment files present in an pdf document.
FormFlatteningOptions Deprecated. as of v8.0.0 Refer Form.setOutput(FormOutput), Form.getOutput(), Form.setSignatureFieldsOutput(FormFieldOutput) and Form.getSignatureFieldsOutput() methods for more details.
ImportedAction Represents an imported action.
ImportedActionType Specifies an imported action type
ImportedDestination Represents an imported destination.
ImportedPage This class can be used to pull a single selected page from an existing PDF document.
ImportedPageArea Represents the Imported Page Area class.
ImportedPageContents This class can be used to reuse pages content in multiple ImportedPageData objects.
ImportedPageData This class can be used to pull a single selected page from an existing PDF document.
MergeDocument This is the primary class used to merge or append entire PDF documents or certain pages from existing documents.
MergeOptions Currently the only merge option is whether or not to preserve the form fields on the PDF being merged in.
PdfDocument This class should be used when you will be referencing an existing PDF document more than once.Using a PDFDocument is more efficient than specifying a file path because the document will not need to be parsed again on each subsequent reference.
PdfOutline Represents an imported outline.
PdfOutlineList Represents a list of outlines from an imported PDF document.
PdfPage Represents a page from an imported PDF document.
PdfPageList Represents a collection of PDF pages.
SecurityInfo Represents different types of the security.
SignatureFieldFlatteningOptions Deprecated. as of DynamicPDF v8.0.0 replaced by FormFieldOutput

Enum Summary
CollectionType Specifies CollectionType.

Exception Summary
MergerException The exception that is thrown for a DynamicPDF Merger error.

DynamicPDF by ceTe Software

API Reference for DynamicPDF v10.04 for Java generated on September 25, 2019
© Copyright 2019, ceTe Software