WordBookmarksType Enum

Represents the type of bookmarks from word document for convertion to PDF bookmarks.

public enum WordBookmarksType
Public Enum WordBookmarksType

Inheritance: ObjectValueTypeEnumWordBookmarksType


WordBookmarksType.Headings1Create a bookmark in the converted document for each Microsoft Word heading, which includes only headings within the main document and text boxes not within headers, footers, endnotes, footnotes, or comments.
WordBookmarksType.None0No bookmark will be converted.
WordBookmarksType.Words2Create a bookmark in the converted document for each Word bookmark (words in the document which were bookmarked), which includes all bookmarks except those contained within headers and footers.

Licensing Info

This enum is a DynamicPDF Converter feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:

See Also


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