Handling Events

PrintManager exposes a Starting, Failed, Succeeded, and Updated event on the PrintJob that requests the status of the particular PrintJob within the print spooler.

PrintJobEventHandler Delegate

The PrintJobEventHandler is a method called when a job is starting, succeeds, or fails.

public delegate void PrintJobEventHandler(Object sender, PrintJobEventArgs e)

Implement event handling by defining an event handler and then assigning the handler to the PrintJob instance. The following example demonstrates.

NOTE: Firing these events is limited to the capabilities of a particular printer. Not all printers report job statuses the same, and some printers do not report these statuses. Some printers might not accurately report print job status to the spooler.

using System;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.Printing;

namespace PrintManagerConsole
    class Program
        static void Main(string [] args)
            PrintJob printJob = new PrintJob(Printer.Default, pdfFilePath);

            printJob.Failed += new PrintJobFailedEventHandler(printer_PrintJobFailed);
            printJob.Succeeded += new PrintJobEventHandler(printer_PrintJobSucceeded);
            printJob.Updated += new PrintJobEventHandler(printer_PrintJobUpdated);

        static void printer_PrintJobFailed(object obj, PrintJobFailedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Print Failed : JobID = " + e.PrintJob.JobId + " Exception.Message = " + e.Exception.Message);
        static void printer_PrintJobSucceeded(object obj, PrintJobEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Print Succeeded : JobID = " + e.PrintJob.JobId);
        static void printer_PrintJobUpdated(object obj, PrintJobEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("PrintJob Updated : JobID = " + e.PrintJob.JobId + ", Status = " + e.PrintJob.Status + ", Pages Printed = " + e.PrintJob.PagesPrinted);
Imports System
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.Printing

Namespace PrintManagerConsole
    Module Module1
        Sub Main()
            Dim MyPrintJob As PrintJob = New PrintJob(Printer.Default, pdfFilePath)

            AddHandler MyPrintJob.Failed, AddressOf Printer_PrintJobFailed
            AddHandler MyPrintJob.Succeeded, AddressOf Printer_PrintJobSucceeded
            AddHandler MyPrintJob.Updated, AddressOf Printer_PrintJobUpdated
        End Sub
        Sub Printer_PrintJobFailed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PrintJobFailedEventArgs)
            Console.WriteLine("Print Failed : JobID = " & e.PrintJob.JobId & " Exception.Message = " & e.Exception.Message)
        End Sub
        Sub Printer_PrintJobSucceeded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PrintJobEventArgs)
            Console.WriteLine("Print Succeeded : JobID = " & e.PrintJob.JobId)
        End Sub
        Sub Printer_PrintJobUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PrintJobEventArgs)
            Console.WriteLine("PrintJob Updated : JobID = " & e.PrintJob.JobId & ", Status = " & e.PrintJob.Status & ", Pages Printed = " & e.PrintJob.PagesPrinted)
        End Sub
    End Module
End Namespace


Refer to the print-manager-dotnet-core project on GitHub for examples demonstrating how to use the DynamicPDF PrintManager for .NET. Examples are provided by the following two files.

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