AsyncConverter [Obsolete]

Obsolete. Represents a asynchronised conversion.

public class AsyncConverter : Converter
Public Class AsyncConverter
    Inherits Converter

Inheritance: ObjectConverterAsyncConverter

Licensing Info

This class is a DynamicPDF Converter feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


This example shows how to convert files to PDF asynchronously.
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.Conversion

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        ' create an instance of AsyncConverter
        Dim converter As AsyncConverter = New AsyncConverter
        ' Events to know if conversion completed successfully or not
        AddHandler converter.Converted, AddressOf converter_Converted
        AddHandler converter.ConversionError, AddressOf converter_ConversionError

        ' Call Convert method to start conversion asynchronously and  Get the status of conversion
        Dim asyncConversion As AsyncConversion = converter.Convert("C:\MyDocument.doc", "C:\MyOutput.pdf")
         While (True)
            If(asyncConversion.Aborted Or asyncConversion.Exception IsNot Nothing) Then
                Exit While
            ElseIf(asyncConversion.Completed) Then
                Exit While
            End If
        End While
    End Sub

    Sub converter_Converted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ConvertedEventArgs)

        Console.WriteLine(e.SourceFilePath + " was converted successfully.")

    End Sub

    Sub converter_ConversionError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ConversionErrorEventArgs)

        Console.WriteLine(e.SourceFilePath + " conversion failed for the following reason:")
        Console.WriteLine("\"" + e.Exception.Message + " \ "")

    End Sub
End Module
using System;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.Conversion;

class MyClass
    static void Main()
        // create an instance of AsyncConverter
        AsyncConverter converter = new AsyncConverter();

        // Events to know if conversion completed successfully or not
        converter.Converted += new ConvertedEventHandler(converter_Converted);
        converter.ConversionError += new ConversionErrorEventHandler(converter_ConversionError);

        // Call Convert method to start conversion asynchronously and  Get the status of conversion
        AsyncConversion asyncConversion = converter.Convert(@"C:\MyDocument.doc", @"C:\MyOutput.pdf");
            if(asyncConversion.Aborted ||asyncConversion.Exception== null)
            else if (asyncConversion.Completed)

    private static void converter_Converted(object sender, ConvertedEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine(e.SourceFilePath + " was converted successfully.");

    private static void converter_ConversionError(object sender, ConversionErrorEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine(e.SourceFilePath + " conversion failed for the following reason:");
        Console.WriteLine("\"" + e.Exception.Message + "\"");


NOTE: This Class is obsolete. Use ConvertAsync(System.String) property instead.


AsyncConverter()Initializes a new instance of AsyncConverter class.


Convert(Byte[], String)Converts the source byte array to a PDF and get the output PDF as byte array.
Convert(Byte[], String, ConversionOptions, Byte[])Converts the source byte array to a PDF and get the output PDF as byte array.
Convert(Byte[], String, String)Converts the source byte array to a PDF of the given name.
Convert(Byte[], String, String, ConversionOptions)Converts the source byte array to a PDF of the given name.
Convert(String)Converts the source file to a PDF and get the output as byte array.
Convert(String, ConversionOptions, Byte[])Converts the source file to a PDF and get the output PDF in byte array.
Convert(String, String)Converts the source file to a PDF of the given name.
Convert(String, String, ConversionOptions)Converts the source file to a PDF of the given name.
ConvertHtmlString(String)Converts the HTML string to a PDF and get the output PDF as byte array.
ConvertHtmlString(String, HtmlConversionOptions)Converts the HTML string to a PDF and get the output PDF as byte array.
ConvertHtmlString(String, HtmlConversionOptions, Byte[])Converts the HTML string to a PDF and get the output PDF as byte array.
ConvertHtmlString(String, String)Converts the HTML string to a PDF of the given name.
ConvertHtmlString(String, String, HtmlConversionOptions)Converts the HTML string to a PDF of the given name.
Equals(Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)


AsyncConverter.ConversionErrorOccurs when a conversion error occurs.
(Inherited from Converter)
AsyncConverter.ConvertedOccurs when a document is successfully converted.
(Inherited from Converter)
AsyncConverter.ProgressChangedOccurs when the status of a document conversion changes.
(Inherited from Converter)

See Also


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