
Representing a form field in a PDF document.

public class PdfFormField
Public Class PdfFormField

Inheritance: ObjectPdfFormField

Derived: PdfButtonField, PdfChoiceField, PdfSignatureField, PdfTextField

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This class is a DynamicPDF Core Suite Essentials feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


AlignGets the text alignment for the field.
BackgroundColorGets the background color of a form field.
BorderColorGets the border color of a form field.
BorderStyleGets the BorderStyle .
ChildFieldsGets a collection of child form fields.
CombGets the comb flag status of the form field.
ComboGets the combo flag status of the form field.
CommitOnSelChangeGets the commit on sel change flag status of the form field.
DoNotScrollGets the do not scroll flag status of the form field.
DoNotSpellCheckGets the do not spell check flag status of the form field.
EditGets the edit flag status of the form field.
ExportValueGets the export value of the form field.
ExportValuesGets the export values of the form field.
FileSelectGets the file select flag status of the form field.
FontGets or Sets the font for the field.
FontSizeGets or Sets the fontsize for the field.
FullNameGets the full name of the form field.
HasChildFieldsGets the type of the form field.
HeightGets the height of the form field.
MultilineGets the multi line flag status of the form field.
MultiSelectGets the multi select flag status of the form field.
NameGets the partial name of the form field.
NoExportGets the no export flag status of the form field.
NoneGets the form field flags status of the form field.
NoToggleToOffGets the no toggle to off flag status of the form field.
PasswordGets the password flag status of the form field.
PushbuttonGets the push button flag status of the form field.
RadioGets the radio flag status of the form field.
RadiosInUnisonGets the radio in unison flag status of the form field.
ReadOnlyGets the read only flag status of the form field.
RequiredGets the required flag status of the form field.
RichTextGets the rich text flag status of the form field.
RotateGets the angle of a form field.
SortGets the sort flag status of the form field.
TextColorGets the color of the text for the field.
WidthGets the width of the form field.


CreateLabel(Page, Single, Single, String)Creates a Label object and adds it to the given page at the coordinates of the form field.
CreateLabel(Page, Single, Single, String, Font, Single)Creates a Label object and adds it to the given page at the coordinates of the form field.
CreateLabel(Page, Single, Single, String, Font, Single, TextAlign)Creates a Label object and adds it to the given page at the coordinates of the form field.
CreateLabel(Page, Single, Single, String, Font, Single, TextAlign, Color)Creates a Label object and adds it to the given page at the coordinates of the form field.
CreateLabel(Page, String)Creates a Label object and adds it to the given page at the coordinates of the form field.
CreateLabel(Page, String, Font, Single)Creates a Label object and adds it to the given page at the coordinates of the form field.
CreateLabel(Page, String, Font, Single, TextAlign)Creates a Label object and adds it to the given page at the coordinates of the form field.
CreateLabel(Page, String, Font, Single, TextAlign, Color)Creates a Label object and adds it to the given page at the coordinates of the form field.
Equals(Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
GetDefaultValue()Gets the default value of the form field.
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
GetJavaScriptString()Gets the type of the form field.
GetOriginalPageNumber()Returns the original page number of the form field in the original PDF document.
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
GetValue()Gets the value of the form field.
GetX(Page)Returns the X coordinate of the form field on the given page.
GetY(Page)Returns the Y coordinate of the form field on the given page.
HasJavaScript()Gets the type of the form field.
PositionPageElement(PageElement, Page)Sets the position of a page element to the coordinates of the form field.
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)

See Also


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