
Base class from which all fonts are derived.

public abstract class Font : Resource
Public MustInherit Class Font
    Inherits Resource

Inheritance: ObjectResourceFont

Derived: CeTeBullets, CoreLatinFont, Courier, CourierBold, CourierBoldOblique, CourierOblique, GoogleFont, Helvetica, HelveticaBold, HelveticaBoldOblique, HelveticaOblique, OpenTypeFont, Symbol, TimesBold, TimesBoldItalic, TimesItalic, TimesRoman, Type1Font, WebOpenFont

Licensing Info

This class is a DynamicPDF Core Suite Essentials feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


See the Fonts And Text topic for more on fonts.


AscenderGets the ascender for the font.
CeTeBulletsGets the ceTe Bullets font.
CourierGets the Courier core font with Latin 1 encoding.
CourierBoldGets the Courier Bold core font with Latin 1 encoding.
CourierBoldObliqueGets the Courier Bold Oblique core font with Latin 1 encoding.
CourierObliqueGets the Courier Oblique core font with Latin 1 encoding.
DescenderGets the descender for the font.
EncoderGets the encoder for the font.
FormFontNameGets the four character name of the font.
HanyangSystemsGothicMediumGets the Hanyang Systems Gothic Medium Korean font.
HanyangSystemsShinMyeongJoMediumGets the Hanyang Systems Shin MyeongJo Medium Korean font.
HeiseiKakuGothicW5Gets the Heisei Kaku Gothic W5 Japanese font.
HeiseiMinchoW3Gets the Heisei Mincho W3 Japanese font.
HelveticaGets the Helvetica core font with Latin 1 encoding.
HelveticaBoldGets the Helvetica Bold core font with Latin 1 encoding.
HelveticaBoldObliqueGets the Helvetica Bold Oblique core font with Latin 1 encoding.
HelveticaObliqueGets the Helvetica Oblique core font with Latin 1 encoding.
LineBreakerGets the default line breaker for the font.
LineGapGets the line gap for the font.
MonotypeHeiMediumGets the Monotype Hei Medium Chinese (traditional) font.
MonotypeSungLightGets the Monotype Sung Light Chinese (traditional) font.
NameGets the name of the font.
RequiredPdfObjectsGets the number of PDF objects required by the resource.
(Inherited from Resource)
ResourceTypeGets the resource type.
SinoTypeSongLightGets the SinoType Song Light Chinese (simplified) font.
SymbolGets the Symbol core font.
TimesBoldGets the Times Bold core font with Latin 1 encoding.
TimesBoldItalicGets the Times Bold Italic core font with Latin 1 encoding.
TimesItalicGets the Times Italic core font with Latin 1 encoding.
TimesRomanGets the Times Roman core font with Latin 1 encoding.
UidGets the unique ID of the resource.
(Inherited from Resource)
ZapfDingbatsGets the Zapf Dingbats core font.


Draw(DocumentWriter)Draws the resource to the given DocumentWriter object.
(Inherited from Resource)
Equals(Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
GetAscender(Single)Returns the ascender of the font in points for the given font size.
GetBaseLine(Single, Single)Returns the baseline of the font in points for the given leading and font size.
GetDefaultLeading(Single)Returns the default leading of the font in points for the given font size.
GetDescender(Single)Returns the descender of the font in points for the given font size.
GetGlyphWidth(Char)Returns the mwidth of a glyph.
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
GetKernValue(Char, Char)Returns kerning space between two chars.
GetLineGap(Single)Returns the line gap of the font in points for the given font size.
GetTextLines(Char[], Single, Single)Returns a TextLineList for the given character array.
GetTextLines(Char[], Single, Single, Single)Returns a TextLineList for the given character array.
GetTextWidth(Char[], Single)Returns the width of the given text.
GetTextWidth(String, Single)Returns the width of the given text.
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Google(String)Load google font using font name.
Google(String, [Optional] Boolean, [Optional] Boolean)Load google font using font name
Google(String, [Optional] Int32, [Optional] Boolean)Load google font using font name
HasKerning()Indicates whether the given font is having Kerning pairs or not.
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)

See Also


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