

AddPadesLtv()Marks the document to add the Document Security Store. All the signed signatures including document timestamp's informations will be embedded.
AddPadesLtv(LtvEmbeddingOption)Marks the document to add the Document Security Store. Signatures and informations specified will only be embedded.


Marks the document to add the Document Security Store. All the signed signatures including document timestamp's informations will be embedded.

public void AddPadesLtv()
Sub AddPadesLtv()

Licensing Info

This method is a full DynamicPDF Core Suite feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


This example shows how to update all the signed fields to be PAdES-LTV complaint.
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Forms
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger
Module MyModule
	Sub ApplyLTV(sourcePdfPath As String, outputPath As String)
        'Create an IncrementalUpdateDocument object using the source PDF that Is being updated incrementally. 
        'The source document should have the proper permissions to do the updates.
        Dim incrementalDocument As IncrementalUpdateDocument = New IncrementalUpdateDocument(New PdfDocument(sourcePdfPath))

        'Update all the signed fields to be PAdES-LTV complaint.

        'Save the document
    End Sub
End Module
using ceTe.DynamicPDF;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Forms;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger;
class Example
	public static void ApplyLTV(string sourcePdfPath, string outputPath)
        // Create an IncrementalUpdateDocument object using the source PDF that is being updated incrementally. 
        // The source document should have the proper permissions to do the updates.
        IncrementalUpdateDocument document = new IncrementalUpdateDocument(new PdfDocument(sourcePdfPath));

        // Update all the signed fields to be PAdES-LTV complaint.

        // Save the document


This makes the signatures that are already PAdES-Enhanced profile complaint to become PAdES-LTV profile complaint. Only the available information will be embedded.


Marks the document to add the Document Security Store. Signatures and informations specified will only be embedded.

public void AddPadesLtv(LtvEmbeddingOption ltvEmbeddingOption)
Sub AddPadesLtv(ltvEmbeddingOption As LtvEmbeddingOption)



Option specifying what signatures and information to embedded.

Licensing Info

This method is a full DynamicPDF Core Suite feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


This example shows how to update signed fields to be PAdES-LTV complaint using LtvEmbeddingOption
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Forms
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger
Module MyModule
	Sub ApplyLtvEmbedded(sourcePdfPath As String, outputPath As String)
        'Create an IncrementalUpdateDocument object using the source PDF that Is being updated incrementally. 
        'The source document should have the proper permissions to do the updates.
        Dim incrementalDocument As IncrementalUpdateDocument = New IncrementalUpdateDocument(New PdfDocument(sourcePdfPath))

        'Update the specified signed fields to be PAdES-LTV complaint.
        Dim verificationInformation As VerificationInformation = VerificationInformation.All
        Dim sigField() As String = {"string Array of Signature Fields"}
        Dim options As LtvEmbeddingOption = New LtvEmbeddingOption(sigField, verificationInformation)

        'Save the document
    End Sub
End Module
using ceTe.DynamicPDF;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements.Forms;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger;
class Example
	public static void ApplyLtvEmbedded(string sourcePdfPath, string outputPath)
        // Create an IncrementalUpdateDocument object using the source PDF that is being updated incrementally. 
        // The source document should have the proper permissions to do the updates.
        IncrementalUpdateDocument incrementalDocument = new IncrementalUpdateDocument(new PdfDocument(sourcePdfPath));

        // Update the specified signed fields to be PAdES-LTV complaint.
        VerificationInformation verificationInformation = VerificationInformation.All;
        string[] sigField = { "string Array of Signature Fields" };
        LtvEmbeddingOption option = new LtvEmbeddingOption(sigField, verificationInformation);

        // Save the document


This makes the signatures that are already PAdES-Enhanced complaint to become PAdES-LTV complaint. Only the available information will be embedded, even if the options specifies to embedded those.

See Also


In this topic