
Gets the informaton of all the images present in the page.

public ImageInformation[] GetImages()
Function GetImages() As ImageInformation[]



An array of ImageInformation object for all the images present in the page.

Licensing Info

This method is a full DynamicPDF Core Suite feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


The following example will extract the images in the specified page in the given PDF document.
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger
Module MyModule
    Sub Main()
        ' Create PDF document object         
        Dim pdfA As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument( "C:\Input.pdf")        
        ' Call GetText method from PDF document object to get the text from the document
        Dim imageInfoList As ImageInformation() = pdfA.Pages.Item(1).GetImages()

        For i As Integer = 0 To imageInfoList.Length - 1
			Dim extractedImageData As ExtractedImageData = imageInfoList(i).GetImage()
			Dim data As Byte() = Nothing
			Dim extension As String = ""

			If extractedImageData.ExtractedImageType = ExtractedImageType.Png Then
				extension = ".png"
				extension = ".jpg"
			End If

			data = extractedImageData.Data
			File.WriteAllBytes("C:\Output\image" & i & extension, data)
    End Sub
End Module
using System;
using System.IO;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.Merger;

public class Example 
    public static void GetText(string inputPath, string outputPath)
        // Create PDF document object
        PdfDocument pdfA = new PdfDocument(inputPath);

        // Call GetImages method from PDF document object to get the images from the document
        ImageInformation[] imageInfoList = pdf.Pages[0].GetImages();
        for (int i = 0; i < imageInfoList.Length; i++)
            ExtractedImageData extractedImageData = imageInfoList[i].GetImage();
            byte[] data = null;
            string extension = "";
            if (extractedImageData.ExtractedImageType == ExtractedImageType.Png)
                extension = ".png";
                extension = ".jpg";
            data = extractedImageData.Data;
            File.WriteAllBytes(outputPath + i + extension, data);

See Also


In this topic