ceTe.DynamicPDF.Printing Namespace


ActualSizePageScalingRepresents the actual page scaling size for the job page .
AttachmentRepresents a Attachments present in PDFDocument
AutoPageScalingRepresents auto page scaling size for the job page .
BorderDraws a border around the pages.
DocumentLoadExceptionRepresents a document load exception.
InputPdfRepresents a pdf containing the pages to be added to the print job.
InputPdfPageRepresents a page of pdf to be added to the print job.
InputPdfPageListRepresents the list of pdf pages to be added to the print job.
InputPdfPageListEnumeratorRepresents the Enumerator for the list of pdf pages to be added to the print job.
InvalidPasswordExceptionRepresents a invalid password exception.
LicensingExceptionRepresents a licensing exception.
MarginPuts margin for pages while doing a multi page print.
MediaTypeRepresents a media type.
MediaTypeListRepresents a list of media types.
MultipagePageScalingRepresents multi page scaling size for the job page .
PageOrientationRepresents the page orientation.
PageScalingRepresents the scaling for the page to be printed.
PaperSizeRepresents a paper.
PaperSizeListRepresents a list of papers.
PaperSourceRepresents the paper source.
PaperSourceListRepresents a list of paper sources.
PercentagePageScalingRepresents the class that allows to specify page scaling size in percentage.
PrinterRepresents a printer that can be used for print jobs.
PrintFailedExceptionRepresents a print failed exception.
PrintingExceptionRepresents a exception thrown while printing.
PrintJobRepresents a job that can be sent to a printer.
PrintJobEventArgsRepresents the print job event's arguments.
PrintJobFailedEventArgsRepresents the print job failed event's arguments.
PrintJobPageRepresents a page of pdf added to the print job.
PrintJobPageListRepresents a list of pdf pages added to the print job.
PrintJobPagePrintOptionsRepresents print options for the page to be added to the print job.
PrintJobPrintOptionsRepresents the printing options for a job.
PrintJobStartingEventArgsRepresents the print job starting event's arguments.
ResolutionRepresents the resolution of the printer.
ResolutionListRepresents a list of resolutions.
SpacingPuts spacing between pages while doing the multi page print.
UnitConverterUtility for converting to and from typesetting points.


DuplexModeRepresents duplex modes.
HorizontalAlignRepresents the horizontal alignment to use when printing pages.
OrientationTypeRepresents the type of orientation.
PageFlowRepresents the direction of pdf page layout in MultipagePageScaling.
PrintJobStatusRepresents the status of print.
ScaleToRepresents the page scaling type.
VerticalAlignRepresents the vertical alignment to use when printing pages.


PrintJobEventHandlerRepresents the method that is called when a job succeeds or is updated.
PrintJobFailedEventHandlerRepresents the method that is called when a job fails.
PrintJobStartingEventHandlerRepresents the method that is called before starting a job.

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