Read Document from Stream, update AcroForm then merge Document after?

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DynamicPDF CoreSuite for .NET (v10) Forum


  I'm evaluating this product to find out if it will work well or not.  Then I got stuck w/ the `MergeDocument1.  The thing is we have 1 method that read in the PDF via stream then  update AcroForm fields & saved as bytes via this `Document` class.   So we have batch PDFs where the `MergeDocument` class don't support `Document` objects but only work with `PdfDocument`.

  After some searching I found this fourm link at .   In there is

   PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(fileList[i])

So, the problem in in our case is PdfDocument is actually Document.  So, what are the other ways to make this work since PdfDocument doesn't  support reading in the stream, manipulate AcroForm fields & saving it after

Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

Based on your description, it looks like you could simply use MergeDocument for everything. MergeDocument inherits from Document, so contains all of it’s functionality. There should be no need to save the content you created with Document and then merge it back in using MergeDocument.

ceTe Software Support Team

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