SubQuery repeating the top record from the parent

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DynamicPDF CoreSuite for .NET (v9) Forum

Hello everyone
I have a report that was upgraded to version 9 from 5 i think.  I have traced the parent query and the child sub query through sql and for a specific parameter a value is being repeated.  So for instance a section in the sub query woiudl be listed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 but the pdf is displaying 5, 5, 5, 5,5 for all the records. 
Any help would be appreciated. 
Below is the affected dplx

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document id="COnfirmation" author="" keywords="" title="" subject="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="6.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <report id="COnfirmation1" pageOrientation="portrait" leftMargin="40" rightMargin="40">
                <query id="Query">
                        <storedProcedure name="SP_GET_RP_CRIP_SCHEDULE_MAIN_PDF" connectionString="#Global.AppSettings["DefaultDB"]#" dataProvider="msSql" referenceParameter="">
                                <parameter name="@UserName" type="nChar" size="50" value="#Parameters["uAccount"]#"/><parameter name="@Day" type="nChar" size="50" value="#Parameters["uDay"]#"/><parameter name="@Station" type="nChar" size="50" value="#Parameters["uStation"]#"/><parameter name="@RoomNumber" type="nChar" size="50" value="#Parameters["uRoomNum"]#"/></storedProcedure>
                <template id="Template1"/><header id="Header" height="60">
                        <recordBox id="RecordBox9" dataFormat="" x="3" y="2" width="522" field="Program" font="HelveticaBold" align="center" height="14"/><label id="Label3" height="11" width="55" fontSize="10" y="17" font="HelveticaBold" text="Location:" x="215"/><recordBox id="RecordBox10" dataFormat="" field="Location" fontSize="10" font="HelveticaBold" height="12" x="266" y="16" width="66"/><label id="Label4" y="31" height="10" fontSize="10" font="HelveticaBold" width="77" text="Room Number:" x="1"/><recordBox id="RecordBox11" dataFormat="" x="77" width="58" field="RoomNumber" fontSize="10" y="28" height="12"/><label id="Label5" text="Day:" fontSize="10" font="HelveticaBold" y="42" height="12" width="27" x="51"/><recordBox id="RecordBox12" dataFormat="" height="11" field="InterviewDay" fontSize="10" x="77" y="40" width="78"/><label id="Label6" x="360" height="11" fontSize="10" font="HelveticaBold" width="84" text="Station Number:" y="32"/><recordBox id="RecordBox13" dataFormat="" x="444" height="12" width="77" field="Station" fontSize="10" y="30"/></header>
                <detail id="Body" height="51" autoSplit="true"><subReport id="SubReport1" width="530" x="-1" y="1">
                                <query id="SubQuery">
                                        <storedProcedure name="SP_GET_RP_CRIP_SCHEDULE_SUB_PDF" connectionString="#Global.AppSettings["DefaultDB"]#" dataProvider="msSql">
                                                <parameter name="@UserName" size="50" type="nChar" value="#Parameters["uAccount"]#"/>
                                                <parameter name="@Day" size="50" type="nChar" value="#Parameters["uDay"]#"/>
                                                <parameter name="@Station" size="50" type="nChar" value="#Parameters["uStation"]#"/>
                                                <parameter name="@RoomNumber" size="50" type="nChar" value="#Parameters["uRoomNum"]#"/>
                                <header id="Header1" height="23"><label id="Label7" text="Start Time" y="4" fontSize="10" width="57" x="6" font="HelveticaBold" height="13"/><label id="Label9" height="14" text="Type" fontSize="10" width="34" x="88" y="3" font="HelveticaBold"/><label id="Label10" height="14" fontSize="10" text="CPM" width="30" y="4" x="148"/><label id="Label11" y="4" fontSize="10" width="35" text="App #" x="194" height="15"/><label id="Label15" x="240" height="14" width="118" fontSize="10" text="Applicant Name" y="3"/><label id="Label16" x="366" height="14" width="155" fontSize="10" text="Notes" y="4"/><line id="Line2" x1="3" y1="19" y2="19" x2="519"/></header>
                                <detail id="Body1" height="24" autoSplit="false"><recordBox id="RecordBox2" dataFormat="" x="2" height="15" align="center" y="4" fontSize="9" width="60" field="InterviewStartTime"/>
                                        <recordBox id="RecordBox3" dataFormat="" height="15" width="50" fontSize="9" y="5" field="ItemType" x="89"/>
                                        <recordBox id="RecordBox5" dataFormat="" x="148" width="26" y="4" height="14" fontSize="10" field="College"/><recordBox id="RecordBox6" dataFormat="" x="194" width="33" y="5" height="13" field="APID" fontSize="10"/><recordBox id="RecordBox7" dataFormat="" x="244" width="116" height="13" fontSize="10" field="ApplicantName" y="4"/><recordBox id="RecordBox8" dataFormat="" x="369" y="4" height="14" width="154" fontSize="10" field="Notes"/></detail><footer id="Footer1"/>
                </detail><footer id="Footer" height="45">
                        <line id="Line1" x1="1" y1="5" y2="5" x2="530"/>
                        <recordBox id="RecordBox1" dataFormat="" width="83" x="111" fontSize="10" height="13" field="StationConfig" y="7"/>
                        <label id="Label1" x="3" y="9" height="17" fontSize="10" width="106" text="Station Configuration:"/>
                        <label id="Label2" x="371" y="11" height="14" fontSize="10" text="Number of Stations:" width="99"/>
                        <recordBox id="RecordBox4" dataFormat="" height="14" width="46" x="469" fontSize="10" y="8" field="TotalStations"/>
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

Can you please send over the following details to so we can look into it further?

1.        Simple console application to recreate the behaviour.
2.        DPLX file which uses data from Northwind database to recreate the behaviour.
3.        If you use the StoredProcedures in the DPLX file then send over the SPs.
4.        Exact version and build number of the DynamicPDF product DLL file used in the application. You can get this information by right clicking on the DynamicPDF DLL file>> Properties>>Details tab>> Product version or take a screenshot of Details tab and send it over to us.

ceTe Software Support Team.

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