Converter is adding additional words correcting the sentences grammatically

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DynamicPDF Converter for .NET (v3) Forum

I am exploring the trial version of converter for converting the word documents to pdf.  The ceTe.DynamicPDF.Conversion library(nuget package for .net5 application) converts all the content correctly except one annoying problem.
It is adding the missing words into the sentence by correcting the sentence grammatically which is not required for us.
Can some one please help me to resolve this?

Posted by a ceTe Software moderator
Hi Madhu,

DynamicPDF Converter for .NET uses locally installed MS Office software to convert MS Office file types. We suspect this could be due to MS Office software.

To verify, please open the problematic Word document with MS Word and export it to PDF, then check the output PDF.

If you see any difference in the output PDF created using Converter and the exported PDF, then please send over the following information to so we can look into it further.

1. Source MS Word files.
2. Output PDFs.
3. Code sample used for conversion.
4. Exact version and build number of DynamicPDF Converter product used in your application.
5. Version of .NET framework which your application is targeting dynamically.
6. MS Office Software details installed on the System where in application is running:  Version, x86 or x64

Please add a link to this forum post in your email to support.

ceTe Software Support Team

After going through multiple conversions and checking files I realized that the additional content that was getting added was the unaccepted tracked changes in the document. Now, I need to figure out how to read only the accepted changes or how to convert the doc to pdf by accepting all changes in doc before conversion.

Can somebody please help me with this.?

Below are the details about nuget package that we are using.
PackageReference "ceTe.DynamicPDF.Converter.NET" Version="3.11.0

.Net version : >Net5 .

Also, I would like to understand how this library will work when we deploy our app to a docker container where MS word is not installed?

Posted by a ceTe Software moderator
Hello Madhu,

In order for Converter to work, it needs to be installed (installs windows service ) on the host machine and for MS Office file conversions, MS Office has to be installed as well.

Currently the DynamicPDF Converter will not work in a docker container (Word to PDF) where MS Office is not installed.

ceTe Software Support Team

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