How do I align tables one beside the other without any spacing so it looks like its just one table.

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DynamicPDF CoreSuite for .NET (v8) Forum

I have  a table with 2 columns and 4 rows. I have an other table with just one row and one column. Lets say the first table has data as follows;

     Table 1
Channel1       Pass
Channel2       Fail
Channel3       Pass
Channel4       Fail

Now table 2 is as follows


Now I want table 2 to be taking the same height and width as table1 and it needs to start exactly beside the table 1 so both of them looks like it is one table. Can you please post some pseudo code. Also if You can explain how I can get the "Table 1" and "Table 2" headings that will be great.
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

You can achieve your requirement by adding two tables to the PDF. You will need to set the calculated X position to the second table to place it besides the first one. Below is the code sample.

            Document document = new Document();
            Page page = new Page();

            //build first table by adding rows and columns.
            Table2 table1 = new Table2(0,0,200,20);
            Column2 colT1C1 = table1.Columns.Add(100);
            Column2 colT1C2 = table1.Columns.Add(100);

            Row2 rowT1Header = table1.Rows.Add();
            Cell2 cellT1H1 = rowT1Header.Cells.Add("HEADER 1");
            Cell2 cellT1H2 = rowT1Header.Cells.Add("HEADER 2");

            for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
                Row2 rowT1R1 = table1.Rows.Add();
                Cell2 cellT1C1 = rowT1R1.Cells.Add("text"+(i+1));
                Cell2 cellT1C2 = rowT1R1.Cells.Add("text"+(i+1));

            table1.Height = table1.GetRequiredHeight();

            //build second table by adding rows and columns.
            float xPosition = table1.X+table1.Width;
            float yPosition = table1.Y;

            Table2 table2 = new Table2(xPosition, yPosition, 100, 20);
            Column2 colT2C1 = table2.Columns.Add(100);
            Row2 rowT2Header = table2.Rows.Add();
            Cell2 cellT2H1 = rowT2Header.Cells.Add("T2 HEADER 1");
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Row2 rowT2R1 = table2.Rows.Add();
                Cell2 cellT2C1 = rowT2R1.Cells.Add("Table2 Text" + (i + 1));
            table2.Height = table2.GetRequiredHeight();

ceTe Software Support Team
How will you handle if frits table rows overflow ? and where will be second table position?
If i want to display another table after table one?
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

Here is an example of adding a list of tables one below the other. You will need to keep track of Y position and add new pages accordingly. 

Here is a code sample.

class AddingGroupOfTables

        Document document;
        Page page;
        float availableHeight;
        float currentY = 0;
        float padding = 10;
        public AddingGroupOfTables()

        public void BuildTable()

            //Create the Document
            document = new Document();
            //Create a page
            page = new Page();
            //Create a table
            Table2 table;
            //Create a list of tables
            List<Table2> tableList = new List<Table2>();
            //Creating tables and adding them to a  list
            for (int p = 1; p < 3; p++)
                table = new Table2(0, 0, 200, 0);
                for (int j = 1; j < 40; j++)
                    Row2 row1 = table.Rows.Add();
                    Cell2 cell1 = row1.Cells.Add("Table:"+p+":Row #" + j);
                    Cell2 cell2 = row1.Cells.Add("Item");
                table.Height = table.GetRequiredHeight();

            //Add the first page to the document
            //Add the all tables to the document in a for loop
            for (int k = 0; k < tableList.Count; k++)

            //save the pdf to disk.


        private void AddTable(Table2 table)
                availableHeight = page.Dimensions.Body.Height - currentY;
                //Compare the height of the table and the available height on the page.
                //set the table height according to it.
                table.Y = currentY;

                if (table.GetRequiredHeight() > availableHeight)
                    table.Height = availableHeight;
                    table.Height = table.GetRequiredHeight();


                currentY = currentY + table.Height + padding;

                if (currentY > page.Dimensions.Body.Height)

                table = table.GetOverflowRows();
            while (table != null);


        private void AddPage()
            //create a page
            page = new Page();
            //reset the available the currentY to original position.
            currentY = 0;
            //add the page to the document.

ceTe Software Support Team
I need table bside to another table , not table after table.


      Table 1                                        Table 2
Col1      Col2                                Col1      Col2
Row11    Row21                     Row11    Row21
Row21    Row22                     Row21    Row22
................................                   ................................
RowN1    RowN1            RowN1    RowN1

one line three tables and next line 3 tables .....
And need to handle overflows also.

give right example , if possible..

Posted by a ceTe Software moderator

You can add tables one beside the other. You will just need to calculate the X position of next table as per previous table position and width (float XPos=table1.X+table1.Width+Padding).

For handling overflow rows, please refer to the documentation on table continuation

ceTe Software Support Team

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