v3.02 is compatible with v2.04. However, there are some deprecated/removed members that needs some code changes. Listed below are the items that were deprecated/removed in v3.04 and their suggested replacements:
- Added Enum PaperKind to replace the System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind in the Conversion Options classes. (v3.02)
- Added CancellationToken property to the Converter classes to cancel the conversions. (v3.02)
- Classes AsyncConversion, AsyncConverter are deprecated and its suggested to use new ConvertAsync or ConvertHtmlStringAsync methods to do the asyncronous conversions. (v3.02)
- Removed Converter.ConvertHtmlStringToWeb method, write the PDF byte data to browser using Response object instead. (v3.02)
- Removed Converter.ConvertToWeb, write the PDF byte data to browser using Response object instead. (v3.02)
- Removed PdfConversionPage Class, write the PDF byte data to browser using Response object instead. (v3.02)
- Removed ConverterException Class. (v3.02)
- Removed AbortConversion method, use CancellationToken instead. (v3.02)