
Represents an automatically calculated gradient pattern.

public class AutoGradient : Gradient
Public Class AutoGradient
    Inherits Gradient

Inheritance: ObjectColorPatternGradientAutoGradient

Licensing Info

This class is a full DynamicPDF Core Suite feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


The following example will display a custom rectangle on the page with autogradient pattern.
Imports System
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements
Module MyModule
    Sub Main()
        ' Create a PDF Document
    Dim MyDocument As Document = New Document 
    ' Create a Page and add it to the document
    Dim MyPage As Page = New Page
    ' Create a rectangle
        Dim MyRectangle As Rectangle = New Rectangle(50, 50, 200, _
     	200, Grayscale.Black, RgbColor.Gray, 4, LineStyle.Solid)
        ' Change the corner radius property 
        MyRectangle.CornerRadius = 10
        ' Create a autogradient
        Dim MyAutoGradient As AutoGradient = New AutoGradient(90.0F, CmykColor.Blue, CmykColor.Red)
        ' Assign autogradient to FillColor property of rectangle
        MyRectangle.FillColor = MyAutoGradient
        ' Add the rectangle to the page
        ' Save the PDF
    End Sub
End Module
using System;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements;

public class Example
    public static void CreatePDF(string outputPath)
        // Create a PDF Document
        Document document = new Document();

        // Create a Page and add it to the document
        Page page = new Page();

         // Add page to document
     	document.Pages.Add( page );

     	// Create a rectangle
     	Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle( 50, 50, 200, 200,
		Grayscale.Black, RgbColor.Gray, 4, LineStyle.Solid );

     	// Change the corner radius property
     	rectangle.CornerRadius = 10;

        // Create a autogradient
        AutoGradient autogradient = new AutoGradient(90.0f, CmykColor.Blue, CmykColor.Red);

        // Assign autogradient to FillColor property of rectangle
        rectangle.FillColor = autogradient;

        // Add the rectangle to the page
        page.Elements.Add( rectangle );	

        // Save the PDF
        document.Draw( outputPath );


See the Colors topic for more on gradient patterns.

NOTE: The X1, Y1, X2 and Y2 properties of this class will be automatically calculated. If these values are set, they will be overwritten.


AutoGradient(Single, CmykColor, CmykColor)Initializes a new instance of the AutoGradient class.
AutoGradient(Single, Grayscale, Grayscale)Initializes a new instance of the AutoGradient class.
AutoGradient(Single, RgbColor, RgbColor)Initializes a new instance of the AutoGradient class.


AngleGets or sets the angle of the Gradient.
Color1Gets the first color.
(Inherited from Gradient)
Color2Gets the second color.
(Inherited from Gradient)
ColorSpaceGets the color space for the color.
(Inherited from Gradient)
X1Gets or sets the X coordinate of the first color.
(Inherited from Gradient)
X2Gets or sets the X coordinate of the second color.
(Inherited from Gradient)
Y1Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the first color.
(Inherited from Gradient)
Y2Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the second color.
(Inherited from Gradient)


DrawFill(OperatorWriter)Draws the color data to the given OperatorWriter object.
(Inherited from Color)
DrawFill(PageWriter)Draws the color data to the given PageWriter object.
DrawStroke(OperatorWriter)Draws the color data to the given OperatorWriter object.
(Inherited from Color)
DrawStroke(PageWriter)Draws the color data to the given PageWriter object.
Equals(Object)Tests equality of colors.
(Inherited from Gradient)
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
(Inherited from Gradient)
GetResource(PageWriter)Gets the resource for the gradient.
(Inherited from Gradient)
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)

See Also


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