ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements Namespace


AnchorGroupRepresents a group of elements that will be anchored.
AreaGroupRepresents a group of page elements with an area.
AutoLayoutRepresents an AutoLayout class.
AutoLinkRepresents a link with a destination or action.
BackgroundImageRepresents a background image.
BookmarkRepresents a bookmark.
BorderRepresents a border with color, width and line style.
Cell2Represents a cell in the Table
Cell2ListRepresents a list of cells.
CellBorderStyleRepresents the style of the border.
CellDefaultRepresents the default value of the cell.
CellPaddingRepresents the cell padding.
CircleRepresents a circle.
Column2Represents a column in a table.
Column2ListRepresents a list of columns in a table.
ContentAreaRepresents group of content with area.
CurveFromSubPathRepresents a Bezier curve from the previous point.
CurveSubPathRepresents a Bezier curve sub path.
CurveToSubPathRepresents a Bezier curve to the next sub path.
FormattedTextAreaRepresents an area of formatted text.
FormattedTextAreaStyleRepresents an formatted text area style.
GroupRepresents a group of page elements.
ImageRepresents an image.
Image3DRepresents a 3D image.
Image3DViewListRepresents list of views for a 3D image.
ImageWatermarkRepresents a Image Watermark.
LabelRepresents a label page element.
LayoutGridRepresents a layout grid.
LineRepresents a line page element.
LineSubPathRepresents a line sub path.
LinkRepresents a link with a destination or action.
ListRepresents the List.
ListItemRepresents the ListItem.
ListItemListRepresents the collection of ListItems on a List. List ListItem
MultimediaAnnotationBase class from which Image3D is derived.
NoteRepresents a note annotation.
OrderedListRepresents an ordered list.
OrderedListItemListRepresents a list of ordered items.
OrderedSubListRepresents the an ordered sub list.
PageNumberingLabelRepresents a page numbering label page element.
PathRepresents a path with sub paths.
PerspectiveScalingOptionsRepresents perspective scaling options for a 3D image view.
RectangleRepresents a rectangle page element.
RotatingPageElementBase class from which rotating page elements are derived.
Row2Represents a row in a table.
Row2ListRepresents a list of Rows in a table.
SubListRepresents the SubList can be initialized on List .
SubListListRepresents the SubListList.
SubPathBase class from which all sub paths are defined.
SubPathListRepresents a collection of sub paths.
Table2Represents a table with rows, columns and cells.
TableExceptionThe exception that is thrown for a Table page element error.
TaggablePageElementBase class from which taggable page elements are derived.
TextAreaRepresents an area of text.
TextWatermarkRepresents a Text Watermark.
TransformationGroupRepresents a group of page elements to transform.
TransparencyGroupRepresents a group of page elements that will have transparency.
UnorderedListRepresents the unordered list.
UnorderedListItemListDescription of UnorderedListItemList.
UnorderedListStyleRepresents the UnorderedListStyle.
UnorderedSubListRepresents the UnorderedSubList.
View3DPropertiesRepresents a view for a 3D image.
WatermarkBase class from which TextWatermark and ImageWatermark are derived.


FormattedTextAreaStyle.FontStyleRepresents the style of a font.
FormattedTextAreaStyle.LineStyleRepresents the style of a line.
FormattedTextAreaStyle.ParagraphStyleRepresents the style of a paragraph.


IAnnotationDefines an annotation.
IAreaRepresents a contract defining an area.
ICoordinateRepresents a contract requiring an X and Y coordinate.
IListPropertiesRepresents the properties of the List and List item.
IPageElementContainerDefines a container of page elements.


AnchorToSpecifies the types of anchors.
Animation3DStyleRepresents the animation 3D style.
BorderThicknessSpecifies the types of thickness in border in an annotation.
Disable3DSpecifies the modes of disabling multimedia content.
Enable3DSpecifies the modes of enabling multimedia content.
LayoutGrid.GridTypeSpecifies the type of grid.
Lighting3DSchemeRepresents the lighting scheme of the 3D image.
NoteTypeSpecifies a note type.
NumberingTypeSpecifies the numbering style.
OrthographicBindingNameSpecifies the types of orthographic binding.
PerspectiveScalingNameSpecifies the types of perspective scaling.
RelativeToRepresents a page element's placement.
Rendering3DStyleRepresents the Rendering style of the 3D image.
WatermarkPositionSpecifies the position of watermark.

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