
Represents a cell in the Table

public class Cell2
Public Class Cell2

Inheritance: ObjectCell2

Licensing Info

This class is a full DynamicPDF Core Suite feature. One of the following is required for non-evaluation usage:


The following example will display a simple table on the page.
Imports System
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF
Imports ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements
Module MyModule
    Sub Main()
        ' Create a PDF Document
        Dim MyDocument As Document = New Document
        ' Create a Page and add it to the document
        Dim MyPage As Page = New Page
        ' Create a table 
        Dim MyTable As Table = New Table(0, 0, 600, 600)
        ' Add columns to the table
        ' Add rows to the table and add cells to the rows
        Dim row1 As Row = MyTable.Rows.Add(40, ceTe.DynamicPDF.Font.HelveticaBold, _
     	16, Grayscale.Black, Grayscale.Gray)
        row1.Align = TextAlign.Center
        row1.VAlign = VAlign.Center
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 1")
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 2")
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 3")
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 4")
        Dim row2 As Row = MyTable.Rows.Add(30)
        Dim cell1 As Cell = row2.Cells.Add("Rowheader 1", Font.HelveticaBold, 16, _
     	Grayscale.Black, Grayscale.Gray, 1)
        cell1.Align = CellAlign.Center
        cell1.VAlign = CellVAlign.Center
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 1")
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 2")
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 3")
        Dim row3 As Row = MyTable.Rows.Add(30)
        Dim cell2 As Cell = row3.Cells.Add("Rowheader 2", Font.HelveticaBold, 16, _
     	Grayscale.Black, Grayscale.Gray, 1)
        cell2.Align = CellAlign.Center
        cell2.VAlign = CellVAlign.Center
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 4")
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 5")
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 6")
        ' Add the table to the page
        ' Save the PDF
    End Sub
End Module
using System;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF;
using ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements;

public class Example
    public static void CreatePDF(string outputPath)
        // Create a PDF Document
        Document document = new Document();

        // Create a Page and add it to the document
        Page page = new Page();

        // Create a table 
        Table2 table = new Table2(0, 0, 600, 600);

        //Add columns to the table

        // Add rows to the table and add cells to the rows
        Row2 row1 = table.Rows.Add(40, Font.HelveticaBold, 16, Grayscale.Black,
        row1.CellDefault.Align = TextAlign.Center;
        row1.CellDefault.VAlign = VAlign.Center;
        row1.CellDefault.Border.Color = RgbColor.Blue;
        row1.CellDefault.Border.Width = 2.0f;
        row1.CellDefault.Border.LineStyle = LineStyle.Dots;
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 1");
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 2");
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 3");
        row1.Cells.Add("Header 4");

        Row2 row2 = table.Rows.Add(30);
        Cell2 cell1 = row2.Cells.Add("Rowheader 1", Font.HelveticaBold, 16,
           Grayscale.Black, Grayscale.Gray, 1);
        cell1.Align = TextAlign.Center;
        cell1.VAlign = VAlign.Center;
        cell1.Border.Color = RgbColor.Green;
        cell1.Border.Width = 2.0f;
        cell1.Border.Right.LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid;
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 1");
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 2");
        row2.Cells.Add("Item 3");
        row2.CellDefault.Border.Top.Width = 3.0f;

        Row2 row3 = table.Rows.Add(30);
        Cell2 cell2 = row3.Cells.Add("Rowheader 2", Font.HelveticaBold, 16,
           Grayscale.Black, Grayscale.Gray, 1);
        cell2.Align = TextAlign.Center;
        cell2.VAlign = VAlign.Center;
        cell2.Border.Color = RgbColor.Blue;
        cell2.Border.Width = 2.0f;
        cell2.Border.LineStyle = LineStyle.None;
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 4");
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 5");
        row3.Cells.Add("Item 6");
        row3.CellDefault.Padding.Left = 4.0f;
        row3.CellDefault.Padding.Top = 4.0f;
        row3.CellDefault.Padding.Right = 2.0f;
        row3.CellDefault.Padding.Bottom = 2.0f;

        table.CellDefault.Padding.Value = 3.0f;
        table.CellSpacing = 5.0f;

        // Add the table to the page

        // Save the PDF


AlignGets or sets the TextAlign enumeration to use for the horizontal alignment of the text in the cell. Justify and FullJustify are applicable only for text.
AutoLeadingGets or sets whether the leading of the cell should be calculated automatically.
BackgroundColorGets or sets the Color object to use for the background of the cell.
BorderGets the Border object to use for the cell.
ColumnIndexGets the index of the Column2 in which the cell begins.
ColumnSpanGets or sets the number of columns that the cell spans.
ElementGets or sets the page element contained in the cell.
FontGets or sets the Font object to use for the cell.
FontSizeGets or sets the font size to use for the text in the cell.
HeightGets the height of the cell.
LeadingGets or sets the leading for the text of the cell.
PaddingGets the CellPadding object to use for the cell.
ParagraphIndentGets or sets the paragraph indent for the paragraphs of the cell.
ParagraphSpacingGets or sets the paragraph spacing for the paragraphs of the cell.
RightToLeftGets or sets a value specifying whether the text in the cell will be displayed right to left.
RowGets the Row2 that the cell is contained in.
RowSpanGets or sets the number of rows that the cell spans.
SplittableGets or sets a value specifying whether the cell can be splittable.
TagGets or sets the structure element of the cell.
TagOrderGets or sets the structure element order of the cell.
TextGets or sets the text to be displayed.
TextColorGets or sets the Color object to use for the text of the cell.
UnderlineGets or sets a value specifying whether the text in the cell will be underlined.
VAlignGets or sets the VAlign enumeration to use for the vertical alignment of the text in the cell.
WidthGets the width of the cell.


Equals(Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
GetType()Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToString()Returns a String that represents the current Object .
(Inherited from Object)

See Also


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