DynamicPDF Converter v3.XX for .NET - Feature Chart

DynamicPDF Converter can take any of the below file types and convert them to PDF.

DynamicPDF Converter v3.XX for .NET Features
Supported File Formats
RTF - Rich Text format (Please review the Requirements for RTF to PDF Conversions.)
TXT - Plain text
DOC - Microsoft Word 95-2003 Document
DOCX - Microsoft Word Document
XLS - Microsoft Excel 95-2003 Document (Please review the Requirements for Excel to PDF Conversions.)
XLSX - Microsoft Excel Document (Please review the Requirements for Excel to PDF Conversions.)
PPT - Microsoft Power Point 95-2003 Document
PPTX - Microsoft Power Point Document
HTM/HTML - HTML Document
BMP - Bitmap Image
GIF - CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format
ICO - Icons
JPEG/JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
PNG - Portable Network Graphics
TIFF/TIF - Tagged Interchange File
WMF - Windows Meta File
EMF - Enhanced Windows Meta File
WPD/DOC - Word Perfect Document
WPS - Microsoft Works Document
WRI - Windows Write Document
DOT - Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document Template Format
DOTM - Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Document Template Format
DOTX - Microsoft Word Document Template Format
DOCM - Microsoft Word Macro Enabled Document Template Format
XLW - Microsoft Excel Workbook
XLM - Microsoft Excel Macro
XLA - Microsoft Excel Add-In
XLTM - Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Document Template Format
XLTX - Microsoft Excel Document Template Format
XLSM - Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet
XLSB - Microsoft Excel Binary Workbook
XLAM - Microsoft Excel Add-In
CSV - Comma-Separated Variables
DBF - Database File
SLK - Symbolic Link Format
DIF - Data Interchange Format
POT - Microsoft PowerPoint 95-2003 Template Format
POTM - Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template Format
POTX - Microsoft PowerPoint Template Format
PPTM - Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation
PPSM - Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Show
PPS - Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show
PPSX - Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show
XML - XML format/Microsoft Word XML Format/Microsoft Excel XML Format
ODT - OpenDocument Text
ODS - OpenDocument Spreadsheet
PRN - Text File

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