Issue with line break in combination with Frutiger font

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DynamicPDF CoreSuite for .NET (v12) Forum


I'm using ceTe.DynamicPDF.CoreSuite.NET version 12.23.0 to create a PDF document. I am also using the Frutiger font family from my client. I have a problem with the combination of these two components. The texts containing values such as "01.11.2024" (date) or "12.34" (amount) are not correctly split into lines if these values are printed at the end of a line.

- "01.11.2024" --> "01." on the first line and "11.2024" on the second line
- "12.34" --> "12." on the first line and "34" on the second line

This happens with all the components I have tested so far, e.g. Label or Cell2. The issue doesn't occur with the following combinations.

- DynamicPDF version 8 + Frutiger font
- DynamicPDF version 12 + Helvetica font

Can you help me solve this problem? Thank you in advance.

Kind regards
Posted by a ceTe Software moderator
Hi Giang,

Please send over following information to so we cam look into it further.

1.Simple code sample which uses static data to recreate the behavior.
2.Output PDF.
3.Font files used.
4.Exact version and build number of DynamicPDF DLL file used in your application. You can find this information by right clicking on the DLL file>>Properties>>Details tab>>Product version. Take a screenshot of Details tab and send it over to us.

Please include link for this forum in your Email to support.

ceTe Software Support Team
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